Real Estate Valuation
The Otteau Group is a recognized market leader in providing authoritative valuation services across a wide range of real estate types ranging from the appraisal of single-use properties to more complex valuation assignments for multi-use properties, partial interests, and land development.
To accomplish this, we have assembled a team of highly skilled professionals specializing in the complex field of real estate valuation for commercial, industrial, multi-family, hospitality, recreational, agricultural, land development and special use properties. Appraisal valuations can reflect current, retrospective or future values.
Real Estate Consulting
Widely recognized for its thought leadership in translating today’s emerging trends to future market performance, Otteau Group provides a wide range of advisory services to developers, financial institutions, investors, trade groups and government agencies. Our market analysts’ deep understanding of real-time economic and demographic impacts of the marketplace, coupled with our meticulous attention to detail, allows our clients to develop successful real estate strategies. Our consultants can also provide support for acquiring municipal approvals for land development and redevelopment projects
Real Estate Dispute & Litigation Support
Expert valuation reports developed for litigation matters demand bullet proof analysis and authoritative testimony, and we have a proven track record for both. We provide these services for eminent domain proceedings, contractual disputes, bankruptcy, tax appeals, equitable distribution, estate valuation and stigma related issues. And our extensive experience in quantifying the effects of external and on-site influences for the entire range of property types includes environmental contamination, stigma, zoning changes, easements, incompatible use types and the project enhancement rule to name a few.
Additionally, we provide expert testimony before municipal planning and zoning boards on land use applications related to market studies, feasibility analyses, tax abatements, affordable housing, fiscal impacts, and school enrollment projections.
Real Estate Advisory & Research
Being successful in the real estate industry requires a clear understanding of emerging trends and strong communication skills. In today’s fast-paced Information Age, it’s become increasingly more difficult to sort through the mass of information and conflicting reports. And most important of all, the ability of the public at large to make sense of it all has decreased in direct proportion to the increased volume of information now available.
Real Estate Economics & Demography
Real estate demand is directly affected at the macro and micro levels by a wide range of economic and demographic factors. As evidence, some of the more profound changes affecting real estate demand in recent years, including an urban pivot away from suburbia and rising rentership rates, have been caused by structural economic and demographic changes that were decades in the making. Which is why we at Otteau Group devote so much time to identifying and quantifying the significance of emerging trends on real estate demand and value patterns.
Whether it is determining the implications of ‘Millennial’ households in an emerging market or projecting the number of school aged children to be generated by a housing project, Otteau Group can provide you with the insights and forecast of the marketplace ahead of your competitors.
Real Estate Stigma & Benefits
The Otteau Group has a deep understanding of how special influences can impact property value. And our experience in quantifying these effects is unmatched in the industry including power transmission lines, rail corridors, utility installations, cell towers, solar farms, mining operations and pipelines to name a few. Additionally, we’ve also conducted extensive research on the protective benefits of storm damage reduction measures, including protective dunes and beach re-nourishment, along New Jersey’s 130 miles of coastline.
Events & Workshops
Widely recognized for our thought leadership in translating today’s emerging trends to future market performance, Otteau Group hosts a series of Live Events & Workshops throughout the year on a variety of topics across New Jersey. Widely attended by real estate professionals and market participants alike, these events are designed to increase your Real Estate IQ by providing a clear assessment of present-day circumstances and emerging trends. And most workshops are pre-approved for professional continuing education credits.