Expert valuation reports developed for litigation matters demand bullet proof analysis and authoritative testimony, and we have a proven track record for both. We provide these services for eminent domain proceedings, contractual disputes, bankruptcy, tax appeals, equitable distribution, estate valuation and stigma related issues. And our extensive experience in quantifying the effects of external and on-site influences for the entire range of property types includes environmental contamination, stigma, zoning changes, easements, incompatible use types and the project enhancement rule to name a few.
Additionally, we provide expert testimony before municipal planning and zoning boards on land use applications related to market studies, feasibility analyses, tax abatements, affordable housing, fiscal impacts, and school enrollment projections.
Following is a sampling of some of the litigation matters in which we’ve served as experts:
- Appraisal Valuation & Damage Calculations
- Eminent Domain, Condemnation & Open Space Preservation for Fee, Partial, & Easement Takings
- Property Tax Appeals & Abatements
- Project Entitlements, Variances, Redevelopment Designations & PILOT Negotiations
- Expert Testimony, Rebuttal Analysis, Deposition & Cross-Examination Strategy for Trial, Mediation & Arbitration Proceedings
- Contamination, Environmental Impairment & Stigma
- Equitable Distribution for Partnership & Matrimonial Dissolution
- Estates Matters, Gifting, Charitable Donations, Life & Remainder Estates & Other Tax Related Matters
- Partial Interest Valuations & Discounts for Lack of Control & Marketability
- Pipeline & Transportation Corridor Valuations
- Foreclosure & Asset Recovery
- Forensic & Fraud Investigations, Event Studies & Time Series Analyses
- Fiduciary Representation
- Market Study, Feasibility Analysis & Academic Research