Associated Construction Contractors of New Jersey

Date: September 12, 2024
ACCNJ 2024 Fall Convention: Jeffrey Otteau presents an Economic Outlook Update

The Future of New Jersey: An Economic and Real Estate Forecast

Date: June 5, 2024
New Jersey Planning and Redevelopment Conference 2024: Jeffrey Otteau leads a discussion and an insightful journey into the dynamic realm of New Jersey's post-pandemic real estate landscape and economic trajectory. Delve into the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the…

Economic & Housing Forecast for NNG Capital

Date: May 31, 2024
A lecture by Jeffrey Otteau for NNG Capital Fund regarding the Economy and the State of the Market for "Fix & Flip" projects in Northern New Jersey.

MarketCAST Q4 and Economic Outlook Presentation

Date: March 5, 2024
ACCNJ: Jeffrey Otteau will be providing his economic overview including details on the Q4 report and his 2024 economic outlook. ACCNJ has commissioned quarterly MarketCAST reports from Jeff Otteau and the Otteau Valuation Group. These reports track aggregate construction spending,…

NAIOP NJ Annual Meeting & CRE Outlook

Date: January 25, 2024
NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association- New Jersey Chapter: Jeffrey Otteau is a Panelist at this SOLD OUT event regarding the Navigation of NJ CRE Landscape, a discussion on Economic Trends.