Forecast Update for the New Jersey Housing Market


This is a COMPLIMENTARY MEMBER ONLY EVENT.  You MUST be a current member of MarketTRAC to attend.

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With home buying demand remaining near record levels, interest rates still very low, and a shortage of available unsold inventory, the housing market remains on solid footing.  As a result, home prices are continuing to rise at a double-digit pace as buyers scramble to purchase a home before someone else get there ahead of them.  So, the short-term forecast is for strong market conditions for the remainder of the summer.  Looking to the future however there are some early indicators that these market fundamentals are beginning to shift.  The most notable of these is the number of homes being offered for sale is beginning to rise after having declined for the past 18 months.  Another factor we are keeping an eye on is the inevitable rise of mortgage interest rates as the economy heats up and unemployment continues to decline.


As a MarketTRAC subscriber, you are invited to attend this exclusive Members-Only briefing on the latest trends for the New Jersey housing market.  Join us for this important update to be presented by Jeffrey Otteau so you can counsel your clients and maximize your business model.

Event Details

Workshop Materials: You will not need an advance copy of the workshop slides as they will be visible as Jeff leads the online event. We will send you an email the following day with instructions to download a personal copy of the workshop materials.

Licensing Restrictions: Your registration for this event entitles you to a
single-viewer license that cannot be extended to anyone other than yourself. Any violation of this licensing agreement, such as office managers inviting agents to simultaneously view the event, will be subject to a penalty charge of $150 per additional participant. By registering for this event you are providing your consent and agreement to these penalty charges.

Date: July 21, 2021

Start time: 13:00 a.m.

End time: 13:45 p.m.

Venue: Internet

Phone: 800.458.7161
