Wealthy Areas Again See Rise in Home Prices
Wall Street Journal / wsj.com
The picture is cloudier in New Jersey, where the income ranges can vary more widely. Jeffrey G. Otteau, an appraiser and president of the Otteau Valuation Group, found that median prices statewide rose 1% between 2009 and 2010.
A Low Tide for Home Sales in the Shoreline Market
NY Times / nytimes.com
Price trends, on the other hand, appear to be breaking in unusual directions. A look at sales statistics from the last two years indicates that towns on beaches are doing less well than their counties-at-large, according to Jeffrey G. Otteau,…
Life without Fannie, Freddie worries some
Asbury Park Press / app.com
Jeffrey Otteau, president of Otteau Evaluation Group in East Brunswick, said more stringent loan-underwriting standards will be permanent under this report. He is also concerned that without the government support, the banks will want to reduce risk by making loans…
Developer seeking changes in housing unit plan
The Time of Trenton / NJ.com
At last month's meeting, housing analyst Jeffrey Otteau was one of the experts testifying on behalf of Sharbell. He told the board the traditional link in the state between new home construction and school enrollment no longer exists."
Median home prices up about 7%, but number of sales down
This slight increase in home prices in 2010 is not likely to continue this year, into 2011, and what we're likely to see this year are some modest declines in prices, somewhere up to as much as 5 percent, Otteau…
Empty Nests
Daily Record
We spent decades in New Jersey building primarily the houses people in New Jersey will not be wanting, Otteau said, referring to the classic four-bedroom suburban home that no longer suits an increasing number of households without children."
Costs, land availability fuel South Jersey’s growth, experts say
More undeveloped land in South Jersey was a major factor in the region's growth over the past decade, said Jeffrey G. Otteau, president of Otteau Valuation Group, an East Brunswick-based consulting and appraisal firm. During the housing boom from 2000…
Home Prices Sink Further
The Wall Street Journal
We're still running at half speed, said Jeffrey Otteau, president of Otteau Valuation Group, an East Brunswick, N.J., appraisal firm. "Sales are below year-ago levels and inventory is higher than it was a year ago." Far-flung suburbs continue to fare…
Round of ‘musical chairs’ seen in N.J.’s office space market
The Star-Ledger/ NJ.com
The office vacancy rate in the fourth quarter of 2010 stood at 14.2 percent, the worst in 15 years and up from 14.0 percent the previous year, according to figures from the East Brunswick-based Otteau Valuation Group.