A Rough Market. Or Not
The New York Times / nytimes.com
Nevertheless, new statistics from the Otteau Group, which feeds data to brokers based on analysis of signed contracts, indicates an 18-month buildup of ...
Northern New Jersey market starts to drag
The Real Deal / therealdeal.com
Home sales statewide declined 17 percent during the first half of 2006 and inventory rose 70 percent, according to a widely followed market report from Jeffrey Otteau, president of Otteau Valuation Group....
The Value Added by Appraisers
The valuation process for a relocated employee's home has long been a source of concern and controversy for employers and employees alike. This is not unexpected, given the intensely personal nature of homeownership. The unique characteristics that comprise our individual…
The Role of New Construction in the Relocation Appraisal
The appraisal process relies heavily on the principle of substitution in developing an estimate of value. This principle holds that typical potential buyers in a marketplace usually are unwilling to pay more for a property than the cost of acquiring…
Understanding the Buyer’s Perspective
Real estate markets naturally tend to seek a balance between the opposing interests of buyers and sellers in the marketplace.