The Hard Sell
The Star Ledger
The pace of home sales in New Jersey slowed to a crawl in December, with the volume of sales contracts falling 31 percent year over year, according to Jeffrey Otteau, president of East Brunswick-based Otteau Valuation Group…
Home Prices Start to Dip, Recalling ’90s Slump
The NY Times
Homes in suburbs within a one-hour commute have not lost value as fast as those in the outer suburbs, said Jeffrey Otteau, president of the Otteau Valuation Group in East Brunswick, N.J. And Mr. Otteau forecasted that the closer suburbs…
Buyers, Now Hear This
The NY Times
The market analyst Jeffrey G. Otteau told brokers in his January report not...levels until spring of 2014,'' Mr. Otteau stated flatly in the report, which is...low mortgage interest rates,'' Mr. Otteau said. Jacelyn Botti, president of Weichert...
A Housing Market Perspective of TOD
Transit-Friendly Development
Newsletter of Transit-Oriented Development & Land Use in New Jersey At the 2007 NJ State League of Municipalities Conference, held in November, Jeffrey Otteau, president of the Otteau Valuation Group, Inc., offered his perspective of the New Jersey housing market,…
Cashing Out of New York City
The New York Times
...statewide, house prices have dropped by about 1 percent a month in the last several months, said Jeffrey Otteau, the president of the Otteau Appraisal Group in East Brunswick. Buyers in Long Island's most desirable suburbs are finding that they...
Sales History
Asbury Park Press
Home prices have declined after several boom years. Prices rose 131 percent in New Jersey from 1998 - 2005, before declining 8 percent in 2006, according to Jeffrey Otteau, president of the Otteau Valuation Group…
Where Sales Are Buoyant
The New York Times
The three Monmouth County towns - Asbury, Belmar and Long Branch - outperformed their county, which showed no increase in median sales price over the first nine months of the year compared with the same period in 2006, according to…
Housing market weathers crisis
The Times
Real estate appraiser Jeffrey Otteau, whose firm is based in East Brunswick, said the current downturn in real estate…
Merrill beaten up over writedown
Star Ledger
Home sales fell 17 percent in September, the worst performance of the year, according to Jeffrey Otteau of the Otteau Valuation Group, whose firm tracks pending sales contract…