Where are rents rising faster than Manhattan: Would you believe Oak Tree Road in Iselin?
NJBIZ / njbiz.com
"While rents are not nearly as high as Manhattan, they are higher than other suburban markets, vacancy is extremely low…

Home Sales Brisk in New York City’s Suburbs
The New York Times / nytimes.com
And in the inner-ring New Jersey suburbs closest to Manhattan, the markets are so brisk that many have less than…

High-end, multi-family developments popping up in Central Jersey
My Central Jersey / mycentraljersey.com
"There has been a fundamental shift in housing preferences here in New Jersey ” away from single family homes and…

New Jersey Home Sales Surged in January
Fox Business / foxbusiness.com
Sales of new and existing homes in January increased 14% compared with the same month in 2016, and rose 31%…